Scholar in Residence
Rabbi Israel makes regular visits to communities and campuses worldwide - See Below. Some of the topics he has recently addressed at Scholar-in-residence visits are:
Recent Scholar in Residence visits
Shavuot 2017, Cape Town, South Africa
March 2017 US Tour
Shabbat 24-25 March - Kehillat Kesher. Engelwood
Friday night drasha
Creativity in the Service of God
Shabbat Morning.
The Mishkan ... Again? The Meaning of Sefer Shemot
Seuda Shelishit
Matza and the High-Speed Redemption. Why?
Sunday 26 March - Flatbush. Tanakh Study Group - Shir Hashirim: Exile and Redemption
Monday 27 March - AIPAC - Rabbis and Cantors Track - Jewish Power and its Dangers
Tue 28 March - Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School. Faculty Session. From Ahaz to Hezekiah
Columbia Hillel - Arami Oved Avi - Understanding Peshat and Drash - Did Laban wish to kill Jacob?
Wed 29 March - Yeshiva University - Ruth ch.4. Land, Names and Redemption.
Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School. Faculty Session. From Menasseh to Josiah
Young Professionals Shiur. Manhattan. Rav Kook on “The Sage is Preferable to the Prophet”
Thursday 30 March. SAR faculty session. Idolatry. How to explain it to our students
Global Day of Jewish Learning. The Women’s Mirrors and the Secret of Desire.
April 1. Cong. Ahavath Torah
Fri night Oneg
"Pour Out Thy Wrath - שפך חמתך" in the 21st Century. Understanding a difficult text in its Context."
Why Does the Exodus Need to Be So Quick?
Seuda Shelishit
Can we Understand Sacrifices in a Modern Age?
December 2016 Tour
Shabbat Toldot - Young Israel of Plainview
Sunday Dec 4 - Limmud Boston
Sunday Dec 4 - Maayan Boston. "Did Yaakov Cheat his Father? - 3 Approaches to Reading Tanakh"
Monday Dec 5 - Harvard Hillel and Brandeis University.
Tue Dec 6-7 - Hillel International Global Assembly
Thursday 8 - Valley Beit Midrash. Phoenix AZ.
Shabbat Vayetze - Cong Aabj&d, West Orange.
Sunday 11 Dec - Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck. 8:45 am. "Jewish Violence: Empowerment or Endangerment?"
September / Elul 2016 . AMOS. Amsterdam
Friday night - Dvar Torah - מצוה גוררת מצוה - One Mitzva leads to another
Shabbat morning Shiur - The Beautiful Captive Woman אשת יפת תואר and the Ethics of War
Shabbat Drasha - . Elul. A Time of Second Chances.
Seuda Shelishit - Religious and Secular in Israel. Room for Optimism